Letter from the Editor

A chamber of wonders; a cabinet of curiosities

A closet where the unexpected is tucked away. A glittering trove of delights, a curated collection of the unusual. A vitrine full with masterpieces of nature, or an alcove where the uncanny is concealed from prying eyes. The German word Wunderkammer balances the eye-opening discovery of Wunder with the intimately close setting of Kammer. What’s in yours? And who do you let see it?

We’re all individually a collection–of bones, thoughts, memories, hopes, fears, wounds, ideas. The difference is, as humans we have the option to vary what we put on display of ourselves. We can be a clear glass case providing an unobstructed view of the pieces inside, or a hidden alcove that only swings open when the well-hidden spring-lock is tripped.

And, what’s contained: Fragments of the natural world? Specimens of the uncanny? Visions of an ambitious future? This issue is all about the invitation to enter a place slightly out of time and purpose; a dimension unto itself designed to delight, and perhaps even disgust. You decide what you see and what it means.

With our last issue of 2021, we’d like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who graciously submitted pieces for consideration—our issues take on the potential of the submissions we receive, and they were full of surprises. Pareidolia Literary will be celebrating one year of publication on December 29, 2021 and we never expected that it would grow into what it is today—and we can only hope for what it will become. This issue’s special thanks go out to L.S., A.T., C.R., I.H., I.vM., T.S., R.K., and S.M., and all our fellow lit mag and small press editors out there who’ve given us tireless support, encouragement, and community. Last but not least: we thank you, dear reader.

Fax Aeterna, EIC

